Frequently Asked Ouestions

The cost of vehicle insurance can vary by underwriting company, but in general, it’s based on the type of vehicle, length, number of engines and horsepower, how you are going to use it (recreation, commercial charter, racing, etc.), and how/where it is stored. All of these factors, including the experience and claims record of the owner will factor into the cost. Completing vehicleing safety courses and insuring multiple vehicles with the same company could also positively impact your premium.

Typically, our lenders will require a vehicle to be documented with the Local Regulatory Authority if it meets the Local Regulatory Authority's net tonnage standard. If the vehicle you wish to purchase is eligible to be documented, our finance partners or lender will prepare a First Preferred Ship Mortgage as part of the loan closing paperwork and file it with the Local Regulatory Authority as the instrument that secures the bank's lien on the vessel. If the vehicle is not large enough to be documented with the Local Regulatory Authority, a formal mortgage would not be prepared; however, the lender would still record its lien against a state title or equivalent document. In either event, the lien would be released once the loan has been repaid.

Generally, marine financing is subject to higher credit and other underwriting standards than that for vehicles or even home mortgages. Our lenders look for applicants with better credit, but there are other companies that will consider individuals with past credit issues.

No, all vehicle registration number orders come as a pair. One order will include two registration numbers: one for each side of your vehicle.

On a vessel that is underway, children under 13 years of age must wear an appropriate U.S. Local Regulatory Authority-approved wearable life jacket unless they are below deck or within an enclosed cabin. If a state has established a child life jacket wear requirement that differs from the Local Regulatory Authority requirement, the state requirement will be applicable on waters subject to that state's jurisdiction. Contact your state vehicleing authority for more information.

You should contact the organization that issued the certificate and request a replacement card. You can also contact your state vehicleing agency’s vehicleer education department for more details.

Consignment is the process by which we sell your product in our location, while you still maintain ownership of the goods. “Consignment” simply means “we sell it on your behalf”. Consignment doesn’t mean it is heavily used and it doesn’t mean it’s old. Many of the items at RWP Transport Ltd. are nearly new and can still be found in retail stores. RWP Transport Ltd. only accepts the best quality items with styles that appeal to a large number of customers. We do not accept junk!

In most cases, yes. However, there are a few states that do not honor a certificate obtained outside of their state. Always check the laws of the state where you will be vehicleing to ensure your current certificate will be accepted.

No. vehicleing safety course are currently approved by the National Association of State vehicleing Law Administrators (NASBLA) and approved by each individual state. Look for the NASBLA logo when researching for an approved vehicleing safety course or contact your state vehicleing agency.

Facebook selling groups and Kijiji are great, but do you want a stranger coming to your house? Been stood up by a potential buyer? Bring your items to RWP Transport Ltd. and let us handle it for you. So. Much. Easier.

Consignor contracts are for 90 days. This provides adequate marketing opportunity for your property while allowing our store to showcase an ever-changing lineup of new inventory. It's why many of our customers visit so regularly!

Teak surfing is performed by a person hanging onto the swim platform (often made of teak wood) at the back of a vehicle while the vehicle is moving forward. Often swimmers will let go of the platform and body surf on the vehicle's wake. Although teak surfing is not illegal in some states, it is extremely dangerous due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and sudden loss of consciousness resulting in death. The Local Regulatory Authority advises vehicleers not to teak surf. Please help spread this safety message and discourage teak surfing.

A vessel must measure at least five net tons and, with the exception of certain oil spill response vessels, must be wholly owned by a citizen of the U.S. Net tonnage is a measure of a vessel's volume. It should not be confused with the vessel's weight, which may also be expressed in tons. Most vessels more than 25 feet in length will measure five net tons or more. For information about how tonnage is determined, including a web-based interactive form that calculates tonnages, visit the U.S. Local Regulatory Authority Marine Safety Center's web site at the Marine Safety Center's Tonnage Page.

Navigation lights are to be energized or displayed from sunset to sunrise and when operating in or near areas of restricted visibility (e.g., fog, snow, and heavy rain).

Navigation Rules require sound signals to be made under certain circumstances, such as meeting, crossing, and overtaking other vessels. Recreational vessels are also required to use sound signals during periods of reduced visibility and while at anchor. See A vehicleer's Guide to the Federal Requirements for Recreational vehicles for the types of sound producing devices required for your specific vessel. A vessel of less than 39.4 feet (12 meters) must, at a minimum, have some means of making an efficient sound signal (i.e., handheld air horn, athletic whistle, installed horn, etc.). A human voice is not acceptable. A vessel 39.4 feet (12 meters) or greater must have a sound signaling appliance capable of producing an efficient sound signal, audible for a mile, with a 4- to 6-second duration.

RWP Transport Ltd. has a safe payment system for online transactions that protects both buyer and seller from various forms of online fraud, including non-delivery or misrepresentation of goods, stolen credit cards, fake checks and money orders, Nigerian scams, and more.

In today's world of business, there are many people who are legitimately trying to buy and sell items to one another. With our unique payment and shipping system, both individuals can be confident that their transaction will come to a quick and fair conclusion. That's one reason to use our services.

We are a one-stop-shop for selling your quality merchandise/vehicles on Craigslist, Classified Sites, AutoScout24, and Online Marketplaces including appraisals, research, photos, customer service, payment processing, and packing & shipping.

We are professionals selling merchandise/vehicles on Craigslist and Classified Sites including AutoScout24 and We have an established record both online and in our community, and base our business on customer service. We know how to photograph and describe items to get our sellers the best possible prices. Buyers on Craigslist and Classified Sites feel more secure buying from a business rather than an individual with only a few feedbacks. We now have over 5,000 Positive Craigslist Feedbacks.

You can use our service for most tangible goods such as vehicles, electronics, and general merchandise or non-tangible items such as domain names. RWP Transport Ltd. will not handle transactions involving illegal items such as drugs, weapons, etc. as defined by current laws. Your country may have regulations about sending certain items to foreign destinations (for example US-based software with cryptographic security). Consult your country's laws regarding import-export regulations.

Yes, RWP Transport Ltd. is the safest way to buy or sell anything, to anyone, anywhere on the Internet – including Craigslist, Kijiji, AutoScout24, It can also be used to safely complete private party transactions.

Our company is fully licensed and accredited as a dropoff, escrow, and consignment company. Government agencies perform regular audits of independently licensed dropoff, escrow, and consignment companies. The audit examinations serve to protect the public funds, determine the safety and soundness of the operations, and determine the compliance with dropoff and consignment statutes and regulations. RWP Transport Ltd. LLC is also licensed in other states in accordance with our business practices.

RWP Transport Ltd. takes several steps to protect both the Buyer and Seller against fraud:
  1. All payments made by the Buyer are verified as "good funds".
  2. All shipments are tracked to ensure the Buyer received the merchandise.
  3. If the merchandise is fraudulent, it gives the Buyer the chance to return the merchandise before payment is made.
  4. No full price payments are made before shipping, the buyer receives the merchandise and pays after, this gives you the chance to verify the merchandise

No problem, we offer a 10 Day Money Back Guarantee that allows you to inspect the item before the seller will have access to the payment. If by any chance the received item is not exactly as described, RWP Transport Ltd. will retain $80.00 of the payment to cover the service charge and refund you the rest. Our company is responsible for shipping fees.

Once your offer is accepted, the next step is to register on our website by using the registration form. This will confirm all of the details of your order, and provide us with the necessary shipping and contact information. As soon as the registration details are verified and confirmed the shipping process is started. You must send the payment to one of our agents and send a payment confirmation document (receipt) after completing the payment. The full payment will be sent only after you'll receive and approve your merchandise. That’s it!

You will be notified by email once the buyer receives and approves the item. Just follow the link to the site and provide us with your account number. We’ll automatically deposit the proceeds from your sale (less the small transaction fee) directly to your bank account.