We usually ship with our own forwarding services. According to RWP Transport Ltd. selling policy, when using our own forwarding services, shipping fees are Seller's liability and will be deducted from the selling price. If we store it, then it means we can ship it.
Local inspections (viewing) are accepted only prior to having an active transaction in progress and based on a settled appointment. Customers must understand that an inspection appointment involves special processes (i.e. Stuff to answer questions, Technical Team assistance, equipment required for such processes, etc.) To schedule an inspection appointment, please contact us.
With dozens of other payment options available such as checks, drafts, money orders, and electronic bank transfers, one may wonder why so many people use this new method of payment. Cryptocurrency payment offers exclusive advantages that other payment options don’t.
When paying online, you can easily use your credit card to process a transaction much faster than the check-and-stamp method. Online payment eliminates clutter by, in some cases, eliminating the need for paper bills that require filing. It makes organizing and keeping track of payments easier and more convenient. Finally, if using Cryptocurrency payments, many banks will provide graphs and information that help you track your spending and keep your budget on task. Check this page to find out more about How to Bitcoin.